04:24:32: JerboaKolinowski: EDEV: E2 scratch pad is chomping text at about 8k - as this is a significant change in behaviour, perhaps a warning in the preamble would be worthwhile. Perrsonally, I think 8K is a bit short - shouldn't it be the same as the maximum wu length?
04:39:40: JayBonci: EDEV: I edev-ed the Discussion archive... Comments on the format and setup are welcome. I'm considering an index by topic, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it. Thanks
16:38:59: ailie: EDEV: Bearing in mind that I know very little Perl - Would there be a practical way to solve the symbol problem in node titles? Using HTML entities to create stuff like umlauts doesn't work well with search, but it's much easier to remember the HTML>>
16:41:19: ailie: EDEV: than those number things. (Do the number things even work?) Hrm. Just a rambling question...
17:04:28: ailie: EDEV: Argh, I'm an idiot - s/ANSI/ASCII. Ignore me, most do.
17:04:28: ailie: EDEV: Argh, I'm an idiot - s/ANSI/ASCII. Ignore me, most do.
21:18:16: Eraser_: EDEV: any comments on my edev posting?
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