A flame projector is one of the most impressive pyrotechnics props in existence (IMHO).

What it looks like

The prop itself is a piece of cardboard pipe. The largest versions are roughly the size of a Pringles box*, while the smallest are about the size of a photo film cannister.

The effect? well.. Have you been to a Metallica or Rammstein concert lately? In any case - a flame projector basically projects a huge flame upwards for anywhere between five and 30 seconds. The smallest projectors have flames about 6 feet tall. The largest ones can send flames up to 20 feet into the air.

The largest effects (often used by the mentioned bands) are not particularily pretty - they are really just a giant pillar of fire - but they do have a certain testosteronish quality to them. From 30 feet away from these babies, you can clearly feel the heat. I was on stage once when one was ignited, and even though I was about 6 feet away, my (cotton) shirt caught fire. Impressive stuff, in other words

*) pringles box is a proper size measurement. It is defined as two coke cans on top of each other, or about the same size of a two liter bottle of Pepsi

How it works

Flame projecors are really laughably simple devices - they are cardboard pipes filled with rocket propellant. That's it.

A word of warning

If you ever have to use flame projectors, take a good look at it before you place it. See that large red arrow? That is supposed to point upwards. During the rehearsals for a play (this was before I was the pyrokid), the person responsible for the pyro managed to get it wrong. When it ignited, it was spewing flames all over the place. Luckily nobody was close to it, and the wire that ignited the projector snapped.

To imagine what would happen if it hadn't snapped the wires: Imagine taking a fireworks rocket, tie it to a string and break of the direction stick. Now ignite it. Multiply that by a hundred or so.

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