Flumazenil (brand name Romazicon) is a benzodiazepine antagonist with chemical formula C15H14FN3O3, belonging to the imidazobenzodiazepine class. It blocks the effects of benzodiazepines by competitively inhibiting activity on the GABA receptor complex. Because of this action, it is used in cases of a benzodiazepine overdose.

Chemical structure:

               O  H   H
               \\  \ /
      H    N    C   C   H
       \ //  \ / \ / \ /
        C     C   O   C--H
         \   //        \
   H  H   N--C   H      H
    \  \ /    \ /
     C==C      C--H
    /    \     /
H--C      C   N
   \\    //\ / \
     C--C   C   C--H
    /  /    ||  |\
   F  H     O   H H


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