1. The craft of creating and applying mock injuries with the purpose of training emergency responders and other medical personnel. The technique involves applying both pre-made latex wounds to an otherwise healthy person, and using more complex makeup artist techniques (from film and theatre) to enhance realism (open fractures, blood, etc.) in the training scenario. Some moulage wounds are designed to be durable enough that EMTs and paramedics can directly apply medication, bandaging, or an IV into it. Other wounds, involving makeup, wax, glycerin, or other staples of makeup artists kits serve merely to add likely symptoms a responder might encounter.
2. A training scenario involving the assessment and treatment of a "patient" wearing moulage. The use of realistic wounds is intended to sharpen trainees diagnostic, triage, and treatment skills outside of the chaotic and high-pressure environment of dealing with real casualties.
3. An impression or cast of an injury, body part, or any piece of evidence in the context of a medical or criminal forensics investigation.
4. The act of making such an impression or cast.
"Interactive Trauma." Trauma.org. <http://www.trauma.org/resus/moulage/moulage.html> (12 May 2004)
"Moulage." Word IQ.com. <http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Moulage> (12 May 2004)
Mark Baard. "That Looks Like It Really Hurts." Wired News. 12 May 2004. <http://www.wired.com/news/medtech/0,1286,63409,00.html> (12 May 2004)