5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
1C! Breeders: your children do not make you superior 1
2C! Could a baby eat another baby? 2
3C! Henry Kissinger 3
April 2, 2001 4
1C! Charles Darwin 5
5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 (tied) Ska Bands
1 (tied) Current Contents
1 (tied) Computer frustration
1 (tied) Ah-Ha
1 (tied) Pee in the elevator
5 Highest Goodness Writeups
4C! Jaguar (tied) 1
1C! Python (tied) 1
2C! Caudal autotomy (tied) 1
2C! vulture (tied) 1
male/female ratio (tied) 1
1C! Woolly Mammoth (tied) 1
3C! Chemical weapon (tied) 1
tuna (tied) 1
2C! How to feed a snake (tied) 1
2C! eutrophication (tied) 1
stupid American (tied) 1
2C! Leaf (tied) 1
1C! Megamouth shark (tied) 1
Tsetse (tied) 1
1C! Jubal Brown (tied) 1
Tips for renting a place to live (tied) 1
1C! Western hognose snake (tied) 1
2C! Great White Shark (tied) 1
normal distribution (tied) 1
Bitch list (tied) 1
1C! The relationship between breastfeeding, asthma and atopy (tied) 1
1C! Junk science (tied) 1
1C! mensurative experiment (tied) 1
2C! Horned Toad (tied) 1
Information technology (tied) 1
1C! Pit Bull Terrier (tied) 1
1C! American Kennel Club Recognised Breeds (tied) 1
graduate student (tied) 1
1C! measures of central tendency (tied) 1
1C! Bowfin (tied) 1
1C! allelopathy (tied) 1
Le Front National (tied) 1
keystone predator (tied) 1
1C! ecosystem (tied) 1
Red touch yellow kill a fellow (tied) 1
1C! Mudskipper (tied) 1
1C! zooplankton (tied) 1
child care (tied) 1
monitor (tied) 1
coup de main (tied) 1
Nature (tied) 1
homoscedasticity (tied) 1
capybara (tied) 1
aquaculture (tied) 1
1C! Living Fossil (tied) 1
2C! Randomized intervention analysis (tied) 1
Langmuir spiral (tied) 1
peer review (tied) 1
1C! bootstrapping (tied) 1
1C! t-test (tied) 1
androecium (tied) 1
Vertu (tied) 1
Walleye (tied) 1
1C! Sea Mammals (tied) 1
limnology (tied) 1
1C! The stock-recruitment relationship (tied) 1
1C! optimal foraging theory (tied) 1
1C! pseudoexperiment (tied) 1
Mayfly (tied) 1
1C! Muskie (tied) 1
Tegu (tied) 1
modeling (tied) 1
diurnal vertical migration (tied) 1
Stormix (tied) 1
1C! morphometrics (tied) 1
1C! phasmid (tied) 1
Prehensile-tailed Skink (tied) 1
1C! correlation (tied) 1
1C! scale and biology (tied) 1
1C! metalimnion (tied) 1
Ray Bourque (tied) 1
manipulative experiment (tied) 1
1C! Paleolimnology (tied) 1
Herpetoculture (tied) 1
The Blood of Heroes (tied) 1
epilimnion (tied) 1
1C! Food web (tied) 1
time series (tied) 1
Ram ventilation (tied) 1
patty cake (tied) 1
The trophic cascade hypothesis (tied) 1
Regression (tied) 1
Are some species more important than others? (tied) 1
Cryptosporidium (tied) 1
geostatistics (tied) 1
Archegonium (tied) 1
1C! Jackknife (tied) 1
Playskool (tied) 1
independent variable (tied) 1
Pee in the elevator (tied) 1
Computer frustration (tied) 1
Ska Bands (tied) 1
Current Contents (tied) 1
5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Ah-Ha
2 Monitor spanning with an iBook
3 wide load
4 Shut up
5 verbing nouns
5 Most Reputable Writeups
2C! Could a baby eat another baby? 1
3C! Henry Kissinger 2
1C! Charles Darwin 3
1C! zombie 4
4C! Jaguar 5
5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 (tied) Monitor spanning with an iBook
1 (tied) Ah-Ha
3 wide load
4 (tied) Shut up
4 (tied) verbing nouns
4 (tied) life history
4 (tied) Current Contents
4 (tied) Ska Bands
4 (tied) Computer frustration
4 (tied) Pee in the elevator
Some snippets from my chatterbox and message inbox life:
2002.10.10 at 21:36
Starke says And I'm sorry, but I don't think this conversation can go anywhere, as I strongly disagree with the things you're saying.
2002.10.10 at 21:37 Starke says The unpopular should go. Power to the people.
And more recently, reproduced here to make you drool as I did
Imprecation says Ha! Rubbish! World champion indeed. (/me swirls glass of 15 year old Macallan.)
The loves of my life:
My wife, son number one, who was born in January 2000, and our not-so-petite baby boy (Born April 2003).
Why do I do what I do? Because Everthing2 is a wonderful, exciting world that should be explored by all. I'm no poet or creative writer. I hold such people in the highest esteem, but I am not one of them. For whatever reason, my passion comes out in my life, my friends and my family; I can't put it down on a page or on a screen in such a way to satisfy myself. Perhaps I'm just a poor writer, someone who loves words but can't craft them worth a damn. Maybe those are the cards I've been dealt. However, what I do do well is write what I know. Thus, the large majority of my w/us are factual in nature. So be it.
Unlike many other long time residents of E2, I haven't built up a massive following of friends. I have chatted briefly with many people, but my w/us generally go unnoticed. The people I have dealt with are: Hexter, my mentee Splunge, Gritchka and momomom. Peace to you all.
You can always reach me online by email (/msg me first, and I'll give it to you -- I already get enough spam and don't need to be harvested again, thanks) or by AIM (pimephalis)
I've been playing with the ekw themes, and this is the result. I call this "plum pudding":
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