File this one under the category of Bad Things.

For the men: if you are in a residence where the only people living there are women, and you find yourself needing to shave in the morning, I recommend against using the woman's disposable leg razor. They look harmless enough. Very much like a man's facial razor, except that the head is tilted in about 45 degrees more:

     ==========//    - women's razor
     =========\\     - men's razor

Maybe this is something one can overcome with practice, but it has its cost. I first shaved my face with a used leg razor and ended up cutting myself a good 30 times. On another occasion, thinking my mistake was to pick a used razor, I tried a new one, and had the same result, except the nicks were painless when inflicted, but hurt like a sonofabitch when I washed my face.

It may be the pitch of the blade, or it may be that women's leg razors, at least the ones I have seen, dont have all the accessories, like the rubber fins and foam buffers to help prevent nicks. The Mach-3, which has 3 successive blades on the same head, really does live up to its reputation, although I think the cost has yet to come down to reasonable levels. I hope this public safety message prevents others from making this tragic mistake.

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