- The straw bear of Whittlesea
- The Straw Men
- Straw String Gorge Massacre
- Straw house
- straw poll
- the woman in the straw
- Syd Straw
- straw mushroom
- rice straw
- Jack Straw
- The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
- pine straw
- straw boss
- Straw Dogs
- Grasping at straws
- The last straw
- bendy straw
- The straw that broke the camel's back
- Hand them a straw, and they'll suck the life out of you.
- Straw Millionaire
- poppy straw
- 2012 Florida Libertarian Straw Poll
- Autumn Straw
- short straw (user)
- Cheese Straws
- Don't drink through straws on a date
- Straw Hat Pirates
- Soda straw
- Straw bale construction
- straw man (user)
- It's possible to suck on a straw and breathe at the same time
- Southern Republican Leadership Conference Straw Poll
- Final Straw
- Shortest poem
- The Shortest Story Ever Told
- The shortest detective story ever
- Shortest Common Superstring
- Shortest science fiction story ever
- Shortest distance from a point to a plane
- The world's shortest correspondence
- The World's Shortest Horror Story
- Shortest mathematical joke
- The World's Shortest Hello World
- Shortest Job First
- John Donne's shortest poem
- All Pairs Shortest Path
- The shortest hour known to man
- shortest path algorithm
- The shortest war
- straw hat
- Turkey in the Straw
- Strawed
- straw man
- Clutching At Straws
- Iowa Straw Poll
- straw
- A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day, Being the Shortest Day
- The shortest of goodbyes
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