- I do not function as part of a machine and therefore by any proper definition I simply do not function at all
- Simply messing about in boats
- simply connected
- Simply Mortified
- Live simply so that others may simply live
- Simply Beautiful
- Simply Pleasing Tofu Delight
- Ethanol is simply sugar having sex in strange positions
- For a recreational activity to cause any degree of distress is simply unacceptable
- simply me (user)
- or i may simply be a single drop of rain
- The hope that life isn't simply what remains after we have locked our childhoods away.
- Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?
- Foam on the tide is no more or less real than the sea, it simply is, was, will be
- simply an insignificant non-issue
- One does not simply walk into Mordor
- Connecting the NES Control Deck to your TV set
- Simply Krust (user)
- I often wonder if I am closer to reality simply for being poorer
- Simply One
- Simply Red
- Simply
- Simply Supported
- simply (user)
- entry: Rociel connecting
- Connecting to a network resource in Apache
- Connecting your gaming system to AOL
- New York Connecting Railroad
- connecting rod
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