audited 7/24/00 by ModernAngel
Here in Australia 'wog' refers to persons of Mediterranean descent (Greek, Italian, Lebanese, etc). Stereotypically, they love dance music, R&B, leather jackets and souped up cars and live with their parents. They're favourite saying is "Siiiiick mate." This stereotype has been exploited wisely by Nick Gianopolous in numerous plays (Wogs Out of Work, Wogorama, Wogboys) and most recently in a number one box office hit in Australia called The Wogboy.
Increasing in Australia, wog has become a mark of pride in one's ethnic origins. Nowadays, it's used more in the context of "wog pride". So one can say, "I'm a wog" to mark oneself as being from a non-anglo-saxon background and proud of it.
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