This isn't actually my persay.... but my friend told it to me and it involves me.

Walking down the street...

It's very quiet...

He turns to me and asks me why I'm throwing my life away. Suddenly, aliens invade! One dastardly alien grips me with his tentacles, while others chase Michael. The leader steps onto the battlefield. Michael sees him, and...

grows his fingers to 40 feet long, and pinches the leader's head off...

Needless to say, the aliens retreated. As Michael and I stand up, all the human survivors come and gather around me, and bow down low, touching the ground with their heads and hands. "Praise Adam, for he is Allah." That's what they said. And Michael stands up, "What the fuck!? I'm the one that saved you all..."

So then we took off in our rocket ship.

What a bloody strange dream eh? I thought so too. But now I have a rocket ship... so what the hell...