Introduced in Netscape 1.1, server push is a method of creating dynamic web applications that predates JavaScript and DHTML. Server push allows a web server to keep an HTTP connection to a browser open, and refresh the web page at it's discretion. The server can push new pages to the browser whenever appropriate. It is surprisingly powerful; it can be used for dynamically updating web pages without constantly polling a server, to provide incremental results for long operations, and to show live data that reflects changes by other users of the system. Entire IRC clients have been built using only server push and HTML form submission.

The Achilles Heel of server push is standardization -- though it draws upon the HTTP and MIME standards, it's itself a proprietary Netscape extension. Worse yet, it is one that Microsoft has not felt useful enough to implement in its Internet Explorer browser.

Server push is implemented by having the server return an HTTP response with a Content-type of multipart/x-mixed-replace. The pages must be MIME encoded, much like an e-mail with attachments. Here is a simple example dialogue, where the browser would first display "First Page", then "Second Page":

Browser: GET /dynamicdoc HTTP/1.1
Browser: Host: somehost
Server: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--Boundary-----c1398847ccc668c2
Server: ----Boundary-----c1398847ccc668c2
Server: Content-Type: text/html
Server: <html>First Page</html>
Server: ----Boundary-----c1398847ccc668c2
Server: Content-Type: text/html
Server: <html>Second Page</html>
Server: ----Boundary-----c1398847ccc668c2--