"It's Jooky... It''s Jooky... it's a party in a can."
Remember those Sprite commercials a few years ago?

Jooky is a purple softdrink in a yellow can... it's the epitome of annoyingly happy pop... The commercial had a bunch of people playing volleyball and a really annoying and catchy theme song... loud colours... unnaturally large breasted women... "Jooky make you manly man" and so on...
Then it flashes to a grungy, dimly lit livingroom with 2 guys sitting on the couch with a can of Jooky each...
So the guy goes to open his can, but the tab breaks off -- anticlimacticly he says "Mine's busted."
"image is nothing"... the end.

For some reason I really liked this commercial.. Enough to remember it after all this time, anyway....
The funny thing is I'm fundamentally opposed to commercials... I hate them...
it's people wasting my time by trying to take my money... yet I truly enjoyed watching that commercial...
Now if only they could make banners not so annoying... but I digress...

Anyways... I looked up Jookytm on google and it gave me a link that really weirded me out:
That's why I noded this.