Time for an upate.

My most recent write-up (aside from this one, once I've published it) is January 23, 2015. I didn't mean to wait so long before posting again, but since I did, I may as well review everything that has happened in the past year.

I have dealt with most of the issues I had with my mother. The worst of my anger is gone. I know how to deal with her now. 

I'm still seeing the same man. We've been living together for 8 months now. It doesn't feel like that much time has passed, which is a good sign probably. 

I left the job that I hated. Now I'm between jobs. I work 3 mornings a week cleaning a retail store before it opens. When I see managers working there who are my age it makes me feel kind of pathetic, but then I remember how horrible my last job was and you know what, I'd rather clean toilets than ever go back to my old job. 

There are two job opportunities coming up for me soon. There is a good chance that I will get them both. One is a full-time contract for 3 months which involves putting computer parts together for minimum wage. Believe it or not, I am actually excited about that. I get to finish at 3:30pm. A job with decent hours and a normal work atmosphere is a dream come true. The other job is part-time hours and work from home telecommuting, which I am only 98% positive is legit, but what the hell, let's live dangerously and see what happens. 

Now for this next bit of information. My moods are worrisome at the moment. My doctor has prescribed medication for me again. Yay. On the bright side, I actually have a family doctor now. No more going into walk-in clinics and having uncomfortable conversations with doctors who aren't always sensitive. I am also talking to someone again. It is free at the clinic. Simply having professional support makes me feel immensely better. I'm hoping to improve even more in the spring (winter is the hardest for me), and working full-time again will also help.

I'm feeling optimistic about my writing. I'm mostly writing blog posts. A company has noticed my site and offered to send me free samples of their product in exchange for a review. I was actually considering buying from them anyway, so it works out well. It is a small thing, but enough to make me feel excited. Isn't it funny how we can type something into a little box on our computer, click the "publish" button, and have it reach so many different types of people? I think so. Look what can happen. I think I'm getting good enough at blogging to submit my posts for paid syndication. 

That's it for now. My cat is curled up in a brown furry ball, sleeping in her cat tree. The fridge is humming and the clock is ticking loudly. There is an empty can of coconut water on the round, glass-topped coffee table. My feet are cold even though I am wearing thick fuzzy socks. It is 3am and I need to wake up in two and a half hours. Being a night owl can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Well, at least tomorrow is Friday.