TATP(a.k.a. acetone peroxide, APEX, and also Mother of Satan) is a highly dangerous primary high explosive. What it lacks in sheer firepower (only ~80% as strong as TNT) it makes up for in sensitivity and the comparative ease of synthesis and acquiring its ingredients. It is highly sensitive to impacts and friction when dry and retains its impact sensitivity even when wet; in spite of this, people saw fit to use it as a flour bleaching agent even with its volatile nature.
Despite the comparative ease, I would strongly advise against attempting to make it1. If you really want to make an explosive then maybe try a binary explosive like tannerite or a low explosive like gunpowder2. Also, if you are going to use a low explosive and you want it to really explode then make sure to confine it a bit3 so that it can fully burn.
1especially in amounts greater than a few mg
2be aware that mixing gunpowder throughly enough that it burns quickly enough to explode takes significant effort and is also somewhat dangerous due to heat created by friction.
3but not with anything that could turn into shrapnel, so avoid metal, glass, etc. use cardboard or paper.
This should go without saying but always be very careful when doing stuff with explosives.