user since
Tue Sep 11 2012 at 21:21:34 (12.4 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jan 24 2025 at 13:05:21 (2.2 weeks ago )
number of write-ups
689 - View Chord's writeups (feed)
level / experience
24 (Grand Poobah) / 30129
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To teach and delight
writing, making soundbites out of big ideas
You learn something new every day. Therefore, the whole world is a school.
categories maintained
Kicking My Way Down To Hell, City Magic, Legend of the Red Barracuda, or: Driving through Space with the Windows Rolled Down, The Legend of Sparrow Jones, Book 1, My Fine Feathered Friends, Loophole Abusing a Magic Cauldron, Against the Eyes
most recent writeup
Carrow Punks Fuck Off
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She walks in beauty, like the night of cold breezes and rattling leaves and stars drowned out by floodlights. She wears a heavy cloak, and it is beautiful, and it shields her from the world. She walks in beauty in the night and meets nobody, and though that is what she wishes, she wonders if it is a good thing to wish.

She talks in third person because it sounds more elegant and dramatic and Literary. Arrogant? Who's being arrogant?

Let us go then, you and I, and leave this patient on the table to die. We have shadows to stand in dramatically.

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