Where in the hell are you?

\                    Ante-hell                    /
 \.                  Neutralis                  ./
--`\                   Limbo                   /'--Layer 1
----\              The Lustful                /----Layer 2
-----\            The Gluttonous             /-----Layer 3
------\      The Avaricious & Prodigal      /------Layer 4
-------\.      The Wrathful & Sullen      ./-------Layer 5
        |XXXXXXXXXThe Wall of DisXXXXXXXXX|
--------`\.          Heretics           ./'--------Layer 6
----------`\.       The Violent       ./'----------Layer 7
            |   Tyrants & Murderers   |
            |  Suicides & Squanderers |
            | Blasphemers, Sodomites & Usurers |
------------`\.       Fraud         ./'------------Layer 8
              |  Panders & Seducers |
              |     Flatterers      |   M
              |     Simonists       |   A
              |Diviners & Magicians |   L
              |     Barrators       |   E
              |     Hypocrites      |   B
              |      Thieves        |   O
              |Fraudulent Counselors|   L
              | Sowers of Scandal & Schism  |   G
              |     Falsifiers      |   E
--------------`\.   Treachery     ./'--------------Layer 9
                |  Traitors to kin  |   Caïna
                | Traitors to homeland  |   Antenora
                | Traitors to guests |   Ptolomea
                |Traitors to Benefactors |   Judecca
                `|    Lucifer    |'    Center of the Earth