David Lynch wrote and directed a movie called Eraserhead. Released finally in 1977, it took about four years to create. The main character of this film, a sad, lonely, quite-possibly insane man whose clothes don't really fit him too well, who has an enormous pile of hair on top of his dresser, a bucket of liquid (ostensibly water) in said dresser, and a small tree on his nightstand, is Henry Spencer.

Henry works at Le Pell's factory, which somehow in some way has something to do with printing, and has a girlfriend -- she becomes his wife early on in the film -- named Mary.

He lives in apartment 26, and his neighbor across the hall, a foxy seductress and prostitute, looks a lot (IMHO) like Sandra Bernhard*.

* NOTE: When first writing this, I mistakenly typed
"Sandra Bullock" instead of "Bernhard"; thus the