Kombucha looks like Cthulhu made pancakes. Except if you use a square jar, then it'll look like he/it went to Japan, then made pancakes.
Kombucha is slightly hyped, containing all sorts of healthy microorganisms, vitamins and whatnot,
said to cure cancer, rheuma, the plague, (...) and deer hide.

Now on to some facts:
  • It (the drink) contains some chemical called glucaric or saccharic acid which prevents reabsorbtion of various toxins in the bowel.
    That's what sets it apart from things like kefir and joghurt.

  • Don't use honey, as it has some antibiotic abilities, thus might kill the Kombucha over time.
  • It tastes sour. Somewhat between slightly sour tea, vinegar and tongue-dissolving, depending on duration of fermentation, temperature, amount of sugar and potence of the used Kombucha.