Abracadabra may have been done originally by the Steve Miller Band, but I was really surprised when I found out that Sugar Ray had remade the song.

I was more surprised when I found out that they'd done a good job of it (well, I at least enjoyed it). I thought it had more in it than anything else they'd put on that album (yeah, it was more enjoyable than that "Every morning when I wake up... halo... flah flah flah" song). I rue the fact that I hadn't even heard this song till a year before I heard the remake of it. So maybe I missed getting attached to the original, but Sugar Ray put out a reputable version, without any major rape-age done to the song (find the country/western tribute to the Beatles and I'll show you a filthy, filthy joke gone bad).

Maybe it helps that Mark McGrath had some firm grounding in rock music. I mean, I don't know this for a fact, per se, but I saw him on Rock Jeopardy, and he was just tearing the ass out of older men who'd frikkin' lived through the era that all the questions were about. So... him, his band, they've gotta have respect for the genre. It shows in this. Honestly.