
There is an interdisciplinary view of evolution called metasystem transition theory which would find this on the cutting edge of progressive.

The theory was developed by philosopher, computer scientist, and physicist Valentin Turchin in 1970 in his paper The Phenomenon of Science, and has since been developed within the branch of systems theory known as cybernetics. It is a seminal work in the field that seeks to find an overarching paradigm to reorganize all other paradigms within it, and therefore all knowledge and methodologies. Thus, the paper's goals were implicitly nothing short of the integration of evolutionary biology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, computer science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, philosophy and culture itself. In as much, work of this nature which was the basis for the Principia Cybernetica Project by Turchin, Cliff Joslyn and Francis Heylighen, simultaneously asserts a coherent philosophy, evolutionary otogeny, methodology, ethical system, epistemology and culture.

Abstracting the theory in broad strokes, it holds that when possible, organisms socially organize to maximize adaptive output based on the simple law that teamwork outproduces individual output, and well-organized teams outproduce the lesser so. Single-celled organisms did it in forming multi-celled organisms, and humans are now doing the same on a similar scale. From this view, the history of civilization from the past five-thousand years has been a competition of evolving social systems. Social breakthroughs in ideas, institutions, religions, traditions, academics, infrastructure, government, economics, and so forth, provide the adaptive advantages that allow some systems to outcompete others in war, diplomacy, economics, technology or just in creating a nice pair of shoes. Incidentally, eventually a dominant, maximally streamlined system dominates that is almost idealistic because it's evolutionary destiny is predicated on "harmony" and "equilbrium" in the system, as close to utopian a vision there is.

This system you have's so great to hear that the complex social organization embodied in capitalism, which despite it's current flaws is a system that has exceled over previous systems, is being modeled for children in their critical developmental periods (even if it's just in some more progressive schools). If indeed, complex organization is more adaptive, than individuals capable of interacting with such information-rich, abstract and dynamic systems will also be the well-adjusted ones, and sewing the seeds young sets up the neural architecture in critical developmental periods to support just that.

This is such an awesome idea! Evolution in progress!