The only single piece of mind I can give is Dont give up, and cheers to you if you could ever tell me how to do it. I've tried to quit on a multiple of occasions,unfortunatly I found myself "craving" for just one cigarette, about twice a day. The real crime of not smoking isn't addiction, -its the boredom that ensues: Waiting for your food at a restaurant/phone anxiety/"family outings", and the ever so prominent 'camelot' where everybody's quest will sure to lead them time and time again---The Bar!!! (not a bar, but THE bar 'mind you.) How Cruel and how so Habitual drinking and smoking have become.I guess you have to tell yourself not to have a good time,or show restraint, which i am good at neither.

The squishy balls are a nice touch! It sounds like you are off to a great start. -Find someone you can encourage not to smoke, and be eachothers motivation.

Good luck to you


--((((( I have currently been out of cigarettes for 46hours & had no intention to quit at all this week))))))---