The PT Enforcer is a semi-automatic paintball marker produced by the 32 Degrees corporation. Purchased stock, it includes all-brass interior parts with a durable aluminum exterior, available in silver, black, or blue. The original is reminiscent of the weapon used by Robocop. You can expect to pay about $120. 32 Degrees has released a newer model, the PT Extreme, but I've been told that it pales in comparison.

The PT Enforcer is considered by many to be the sidearm of choice. One can purchase a holster for ten dollars as an option, which is extremely helpful for those who don't want a pointy metal lump stabbing them in the groin as they run. If you run out of paint or air, just whip it out and go to town.

The maximum amount of ammunition that can be loaded is ten in the clip plus one in the chamber unless you've changed the elbow position to accomodate a standard hopper. Eleven shots may not sound like much, but it's really all you need. The twelve gram cartridge power source will most likely run out before you deplete your ammo, unless of course you've installed a bottom line.

The major advantage about this marker is its accuracy. If you have sense of aim at all, you should be able to thouroughly paint your target before you run out of ammunition or air. This little gun shoots hard and straight. However, if you miss, you may as well forget it, because reloading paint and air is a major chore.

If you find yourself in possesion of an Enforcer, never, ever entrust it to anyone else on the field. Both times I have done so it came back to me with parts missing. This seemingly inexplicable loss of parts will in turn be blamed on you if mentioned.

As a final note, before you take your shiny new gun out on the field, put a couple of strips of your choice of adhesive tape over the the end of the clip that faces away from you. When fully loaded and subjected to rapid firing, the end cap of the clip has a tendency to leap from the gun, leaving your compantions laughing and you scrambling on the ground collecting the end cap and spring. Of course, this detracts from the natural aesthetics of the marker, but better to just tape it up and save yourself the trouble rather than risk losing parts.