Terrapin Gaming Club

The Terrapin Gaming Club (TGC) is a gaming club affiliated with University of Maryland, College Park. They meet on Monday and Thursday at 7:00PM on the 2nd floor of the North Addition of the Stamp Student Union (outside the Baltimore room), and also schedule independent role-playing sessions that occur at the convenience of the participants. Wargaming also usually occurs on the weekends. An extremely friendly and open group of gamers, TGC focuses on primarily non-electronic games such as RPGs, Table-Top Games, and Card Games. Many of our gamers are avid fans of computer games, but the club itself is designed around human interaction.

TGC is entirely student-run, and is officially recognized by the University complete with a budget that is used for tournaments and other expensive gaming-related things. Club events include a Rogue Trader Tournament for Warhammer 40K, a Magic: The Gathering Tournament, and a Club 40K Campaign.

Games Commonly Played Include:

Plus anything else they can get their hands on.

Note: If anyone is interested in the club, feel free to message me.