Ubi Saeva Indignatio
Cor Lacerare Nequit
Abi Viator
Et Imitare Si Poteris
Strenuum Pro Virili
Libertatis Vindicatorem
Above is Jonathan Swift's Epitaph, in its original Latin. Swift wanted the words to be inscribed deep, dark, large and bold. He wanted a statement to be made. Below, is William Butler Yeats' translation of the epitaph. The use of the words "If you dare" is pure Swift, referring, I think to Swift's merciless humour and satire.
SWIFT has sailed into his rest;
Savage indignation there
Cannot lacerate his breast.
Imitate him if you dare,
World-besotted traveller; he
Served human liberty.
tr. W.B. Yeats