So, I'm talking to an insurance agent in my office, and about two months ago he received a claim in regards to a man (freshly divorced from his wife) who had hung himself. In addition to her ex-husband shaking hands with the veritable eschaton, she now got the additional bonus of a cool hundred grand.

Now, if you've (thankfully?) never been the beneficiary of a Life Insurance jackpot, in many cases a representative of the company will give to you a not-too-atypical "checkbook" from which to withdraw funds as you see fit (e.g., loan repayment, childcare bills, hookers). It's as simple as that.

Now, the aforementioned agent was hoping to talk her into rolling some of that money into policies for her children, and finally was able to catch her while she was at work. She said she couldn't really talk to him about it at that time, because work was quite hectic that day. She went on to say that they were also short people at the office, and that her position, as head of sales, was taxing her a great deal today.

Now, the agent (not the most thorough, I'm afraid) had never inquired as to her line of work. Building on the new information of her being in sales, he went on to ask her, essentially, what she was involved in selling.

Her reply was a slice of the best piece of irony I've enjoyed in some time; she told him, quite matter-of-factly, that she was the Sales manager for a company that manufactures and distributes ... ... ... rope.