Yesterday, I literally didn't sleep at all the night before, gave platelets and plasma, took a one hour nap halfway through the day, woke up to celebrate a birthday party, and wrote and posted two write-ups before going to bed at my usual time. It's kind of amazing to me how functional I was for most of it. That nap did wonders. This morning I woke up feeling more like death than usual. I'm assuming they are related but mornings are almost always bad for me. Today has been a bit of reading and a lot of writing. I was worried that rushing out a bunch of write ups would mean a quality hit but frankly I'm starting to doubt that. I've seen a lot of very short but fully informative noding this year and it's made me seriously reexamine the emphasis that I've put on reaching or exceeding five-hundred words. It's been year of reexamination in general.