The holidays are supposed to be a happy time, where family comes together to celebrate and spend time with one another. I find myself reflecting on holidays passed today for a number of reasons. I always associate Thanksgiving with my father, as he always took care of making the turkey and stuffing. I, of course, would always attempt sampling the food prior to dinnertime, at which point he would jokingly scold me and let me get away with a piece. I didn't get that last year, nor will I ever get that again. Last year I was still in shock over his passing, and this year I find myself reflecting on it. It gives me mixed feelings, because those were great times, yet I miss him terribly.

Prior to my divorce, holidays were mostly spent with the ex-wife's family. They were a nice group of people, however, I had wanted to spend time with my family as well. That didn't really happen too often, as she didn't really care for my family, and my family sensed it. Any time we would be at a gathering, we would not be there that long due to the tension. This year is a lot different. My wife-to-be loves my family, and the family loves her. We aren't returning to Pennsylvania for the holidays this year, but some of my family is coming here. We're excited to have them, and show them our home, and it should make for a wonderful Thanksgiving.