It's very easy to make a magic square if the length of a side is an odd number.

Step 1:

Draw out your square (I'm doing a 5x5 square):

 _ _ _ _ _

Step 2:

Find the center space in the first row, and put the number '1' in it.

 _ _ _ _ _

Step 3:

Finish filling in the square by moving up and to the right from the last number you added. If you go off the edge, then just wrap around.

 _ _ _ _ _

When you get to a point where the next space is already filled, instead of going up and to the right, drop a row, and then continue.

 _ _ _ _ _

When you're finished, the magic square will work. Each row and column on a 5x5 equals 65.

 __ __ __ __ __
|17|24|1 |8 |15|
|23|5 |7 |14|16|
|4 |6 |13|20|22|
|10|12|19|21|3 |
|11|18|25|2 |9 |
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