Blogwars is a news site managed by Jay Stile of Stile Project. The site itself is based on the same CMS engine that runs Slashdot. Users of Blogwars post comments on stories posted by the 5 or 6 editors running the site. While most of Stile's sites are ventures designed solely to make him money, Blogwars is "Media Experimentation", Stile simply provides the space and domain and some of the stories but mainly leaves it up to users to decide what Blogwars will be.

Topics currently listed on Blogwars are just as vulgar as Stile's main site, Stile Project. They include "Japs" and "Goatse" just to name a few. Users of Blogwars consist mainly of internet trolls who for better or worse debate the issues raised. Sometimes the banter is witty, sometimes useless, sometimes insightful. It's just as random as Stile himself appears to be.

Make of it what you will. It's another avenue of expression.