"A Matter of Minutes" is a short, and somewhat comedic story of the 1985 revival of The Twilight Zone. It was broadcast as the third segment of an hour long episode in 1986. It is an adaptation of a short story by Theodore Sturgeon, with the script written by Rockne O'Bannon, with Harlan Ellison also involved as a creative consultant.

A typical young married couple named Michael and Maureen are woken up early one morning, and when they go downstairs, they see a horde of blue, faceless men in their living room. At first it seems that they are being robbed, but the strange men are bringing things in, not taking it out. They then walk through their town, seeing even more construction work, from the oblivious and odd blue men. Finally, they find someone who responds to them: the supervisor of the construction workers, who explains what is going on. Time is a collection of discrete moments, and every minute is constructed, starting months in advance, and people move between them like boxcars on a train. Michael and Maureen somehow slipped into the wrong place, which is unfortunate, the supervisor tells them, but now they will have to stay there forever, watching time being constructed. Not accepting this, the couple escape, and find themselves successfully reintegrating themselves with the timestream (which, of course, is not really a stream).

Given the short time, the story doesn't really allow for either character development or plot resolution. It mostly depends on the surreal visuals, conceptual framework, and comic charm of seeing the world "being constructed". And of some visual effects, which of course haven't aged that well. But still, the general point, which relates to a long-standing philosophical debate about whether time is continuous or discrete, was memorable enough that even though I watched this 35 years ago as a young child, I still remembered points of it for decades to come, until I rewatched it last night.

Also, despite it being 15 minutes long, it involved the writing talents of Theodore Sturgeon, Harlan Ellison and Rockne O'Bannon (who would go on to create Alien Nation, seaquest DSV, and Farscape). This is a lot of writing talent to bring to bear on what was basically a short comedy break on the serious Twilight Zone!