Burnside Street is one of the longest streets in Portland, Oregon and the dividing line between the North and South sides of Portland. It stretches from the west side of the West Hills past Gresham, OR, Portland's largest Eastern suburb. For a hundred blocks, from 100th Avenue to 200th Avenue, the MAX tracks run in between the east and westbound lanes of Burnside Street. In all, it runs nearly 400 blocks.

One thing to remember about Burnside is that to say that you live near Burnside does not mean much. Since it streches for 400 blocks, from the swank West Side, where it runs past gated communities, through downtown, across the Willamette River, on to the upper middle class, yet urbane and liberal Laurelhurst neighborhood, and on out to the strip malls and apartment complexes of the East Side, before finally terminating past Gresham, for someone to say that they live "right off of Burnside" could put them in any kind of lifestyle or socioeconomic situation.

That being said, the 50 blocks from Trendy Third to Laurelhurst are in many ways the cultural and social center of Portland...and not just because I happen to have lived along that route for so long.