The purity of internet explorer.

No, seriously.

I am having a bad day. Bad week. You know about 2020. I come back home from a late night ramble, decide to take some melatonin to cut the stress and hopefully let me sleep until the PMs tomorrow, and just as my lids are getting heavy, I decide to check out what is going on E2.

No formatting. Zilch. All the little boxes and consoles and what not are all laid out in one very long line of text. I open it in an incognito tab. Nothing. Is it my browser? Lets try another one.

Wine comes with Internet Explorer installed. Well, it looks like Internet Explorer, is called Internet Explorer, and even has all the little icons and fonts looking like it came from Windows 95. Lets fire that up! And E2 is still...deformed. Or preformed. Only with even more vintage looking fonts.

And here I am, looking in the purity of a little white box. My browser doesn't even have tabs to distract me! Just me and the seeming magic, forgotten after two decades, of writing words that somehow magically show up on the internet.

Tomorrow they will probably fix this, if it is even a problem for anyone but me, and the magic with which I typed this totally self-referential write-up will be lost. This will just be another chatty node among my thousands of others. But for now, it is the purity of when I first got to make words real on here.