Roman poet of the silver age, born in the province of Spain between A.D. 38 and 41. He wrote 14 books of epigrams; the first, the liber spectaculorum, or Show-book, published in A.D. 96, during the final year of the reign of Domitian, describes his impressions of gladiatorial combat. His wit is typically Roman, i.e. cold and cruel:

Daedalus, when you were mauled by that Lucanian bear,
Didn't you wish then that you had your wings?

-Epigrammata I.VIII

The last two books, 13 and 14, consist of short two-liners meant as snipets to be used as models for dedications at the Saturnalia (kind of like a poetic code library). The rest contains poems on a wide variety of topics, mostly obscene or pornographic in nature, but all masterful satire. Most of our sources for ancient pornography and invective, as well as sexual positions , are found here.

There's very little about Martial you can hate; he drinks, fucks around, and hates lawyers. His style is extremely varied, ranging from well-crafted subtelty to blatant extravagance.