After visiting my gynecologist for my yearly check-up, she suggested an alternative hormone replacement therapy.  I was taking the DelEstrogen® shot, once a month, and now I use the EstroGel® nightly along with Prometrium.

EstroGel® is used to relieve hot flashes and night sweats in women who are going through menopause or have had a hysterectomy and need hormone replacement therapy (HRT).  EstroGel® is also used to treat burning, itching, and dryness around the vagina.  For women that are using EstroGel® to treat just the vaginal symptoms, their physician may suggest another topical product instead of EstroGel®.

EstroGel® (estradiol gel) is a prescription only medication that is manufactured by Laboratoires Besins International in Montrouge, France for Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated.

Always store the EstroGel® container with the cap on it, at room temperature.  If your container is past the expiration date, contact your physician to have it replaced.

Every gram of the EstroGel® solution, contains 0.6mg of estradiol that is in a gel form, made of purified water, carbomer (a thickening agent), alcohol, and triethanolamine.

As with any medication, be sure to keep EstroGel® out of reach from any children.

How to apply the EstroGel® topical solution:

  1. Upon first use of EstroGel®, remove the cap and press the pump twice to prime it.  Then, press the pump once more dispensing the EstroGel® into the palm of your hand.
  2. Apply the gel as thinly as you can, evenly from the shoulder to the wrist.
  3. You do not have to rub the EstroGel® solution into the skin.
  4. Never apply EstroGel® to the breasts.
  5. The EstroGel® usually dries in a little over two minutes.
  6. If you find that you have missed a dose and it is more than 12 hours until your next dose, then go ahead and take that dose.  However, if your next dose is less than 12 hours away, skip that dose and resume normal dosage on your regular schedule.
  7. Apply EstroGel® at the same time each day.  My physician suggested that I apply EstroGel® before going to bed.
  8. EstroGel® has an alcohol base and is flammable.  Do not store it near fire or flame and do not smoke until it has completely dried on your arm.
  9. Always wash your hands with soap and water after applying EstroGel®, so that you do not transfer any of the solution to another person by touching them.

After the EstroGel® dries, you can apply lotions and perfumes, if you so desire.  You may also continue with normal daily activities such as exercise, swimming, using a sauna or whirlpool, or any other daily activities that are part of your normal routine.

Clinical studies have shown EstroGel® causes very little skin irritation and provides estrogen in a continuous distribution into your blood stream.

When you first start using EstroGel®, you should keep track of any changes in your health or skin irritation, such as an allergic reaction and report it to your physician immediately.

EstroGel® is commonly prescribed as a combination treatment with a medication called a progestin, in those women who have not had a hysterectomy and still have their uterus.

The prescribed daily dose of EstroGel® is one full pump which delivers 1.25g of the topical solution.  There are 64 metered doses of the solution in each container.  To guarantee that you always receive the required dosage, you should discard the EstroGel® container after applying 64 doses.

Side Effects

  • loss of hair
  • nausea
  • headache
  • vomiting
  • bloating
  • stomach cramps
  • heart attack
  • unusual vaginal bleeding
  • breast pain
  • blurred vision
  • stroke
  • leg pains or cramps
  • shortness of breath
  • increase in blood pressure
  • high blood sugar
  • edema
  • problems with your liver
  • blood clots

Serious Side Effects

If you notice any of these warning signs, contact your physician immediately.

  • change in your speech pattern
  • unusual amount of severe headaches or migraines
  • fainting
  • dizziness
  • new lumps formed in the breast
  • unusually high amount of vaginal bleeding
  • vision changes
  • severe leg cramps that occur often
  • severe chest pain

You should not use EstroGel® if you suffer from any of the following:

  • if you have had a stroke
  • if you have had a heart attack
  • if you are pregnant
  • if you have heavy vaginal bleeding
  • if you have cancer
  • if you currently have or have a history of liver problems
  • if you currently have or have a history of blood clots
  • if you are breast feeding, as the hormone could pass to your baby through your breast milk
  • if you are planning on having any surgery
  • if you are on extended bed rest

In the year 2000, at the age of 32, I had to have a hysterectomy because of severe endometriosis and fibroid cysts.  Since that time, I have been on several hormone replacement therapies with little relief of my symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.  I have now been using the EstroGel® for about a month and have only had one night sweat.  I have not had any of the side effects listed above.  I would highly recommend this HRT to anyone because it seems to be very effective.

Informational also obtained from my physician