I tell you, camomile tea brings out the weirdest dreams in me. Last night, between 12 and 02:00, I was locked inside a BDSM weirdo nightmare par excellence.

And I'm not even into BDSM! And honestly, I have no idea what brought this on. I listened to the BBC's The Now Show before falling asleep.

Anyway, the setup was as follows: In a classic video game setup, I was locked in a ballroom sized room that seemed to be floating on its own through a stormy sky. Inside, MTV inspired curtains were moving in the wind and dividing the room. In the middle, a female class mate of mine from back in the eighties was standing, robed in a red sorceress dress, blasted by what must have been wind machines. I am pretty sure that I haven't seen her since 1986.

I was wandering around the whole setup rather uninspired, but unfortunately my dear classmate summoned ever so often a bald giant of a bloke with uneven eyes and a stupid black leather bdsm outfit who would submit me to rather nasty physical (and not kinky) torture.

I can't remember when I had such a vivid nightmare like this the last time (my dreams are normally rather pleasant), and I have no idea what brought up this rather bizarre connection of pictures and scenes.

Must have been a bad batch of camomile tea.

This is for Jack's baby.