For the last 4 weeks I seriously considered leaving E2 for good, after getting seriously annoyed with members of the establishment (interestingly both sporting usernames starting with an 'a' {must be a karma thing}).

After staying away for some time and giving the whole issue some processing time I decided against leaving. Even though considerably schizophrenic by nature (which of course goes well with the prominence of mental health issues on this site. You can only have proper street cred if you can admit to have at least a personality disorder) with the mindless banter of the catbox displayed against the backdrop of brillant nodes by Aneurin or Noung, E2 is a project worth supporting: Nowhere else on the web you can find a collection of texts by superb writers like Lovejoyman or Momomom juxtaposed with the associative weirdness of the links below.

It just pays to ignore some of the more colourful natives.