I've found that almost all spam can be gotten rid of with one simple procmail recipe. It seems that the majority of spam these days isn't actually To: me. Instead, it's to 456sdfl4@cwabg.hotbot.com, from 56df4@stjaxppu.compuserve.com. For some reason, I end up with it. It must be sort sort of forged header/mailing list sort of thing. Anyways, I implemented this simple rule to drop that sort of hejaz:

* ! ^TO_chris@.*bangmoney\.org

The ^TO_ is a sort of macro - it expands to a very large regular expression that matches almost all to headers. Then I just filled in my email address. The bang inverts the test, such that all mail that doesn't match that rule goes to /dev/null.

This rule has the nasty habit of catching mailing lists too. You might want to filter those into their own mailbox before this rule, or modify the rule to send this spam to its own mailbox for your later perusal. I've been having great success catching spam with this rule, though.