Magnolias are trees found in the southeastern United States. They are charactarized by large, wazy leaves, big white fragrant flowers, and seed bearing structures that look like a cross between a pine cone and a hand grenade. Magnolias can grow to a fairly large size, although their growth rate is not rapid, and they are an important part of the native hardwood forest in the Southeastern US.

Magnolias are angiosperms, plants which bear flowers. However, the magnolia family is one of the most primitive families of angiosperms. This is evidenced by the large seed-bearing structure of magnolias which bears similarities to a pine cone. The large, extremely fragrant flowers of magnolia are meant to be polinated by beetles, which is true for many more primitive angiosperms

If you wish to plant a magnolia, you should keep some things in mind. They are excellent in the southeastern US, where they are native. Since these trees are supremely adapted to that environment they will grow and thrive with little or no care. However, in other areas they are much less appropriate as trees. In dry areas, or extremely cold areas, they won't do well or will die. I have noticed lots of magnolias planted in California. Most look sickly and never grow to a very large size. If you're going to plant a magnolia in california, or a similar climate, make sure it's sheltered from hot, dry wind, and give it ample water. if you live in an area which experiences cold winters, i dont suggest them at all. If you want to plant in a marginal habitat, choose a south-facing side of a building where they will recieve reflected heat and be sheltered from cold north winds.