Palestine should be re-instated to the Palestinians, the UN mandate made the same mistake the Allies did before the second world war, they divided up another country (in that case CzechoSlovakia) for their own political needs, ignoring the wishes of the native population. In that case it was a step to a huge conflict with bitterness that extended for generations, and in this case it may very well be the same.

The simplicity of the first w/u belies the complex issues of religious identity, political freedom, and justice. There can be no doubt that Palestine was taken from the Palestinians against their will, a process comparable to the invasion of any other country. There can also be no doubt that the invasion and subsequent occupation would have foundered a long time ago had it not been for political backing and intervention from countries like the USA and Britain. Even now, when Israel is accused of some of the most hideous violations of international human rights, these two countries refuse to accept responsibility and withdraw support.

This generates intense bitterness both on the ground in Palestine, and also across the world by anyone who is familiar with the situation.