Now if God truly wanted to leave some sort of compelling evidence that could not be logically refuted (which I feel would not be the case as faith has absolutely nothing to do with logic whatsoever) couldn't he have had Muhammad say something along the lines of: "You are currently living on a ball of rock approximately 7,600 miles in diameter in an elliptical orbit around a gigantic ball of gas at an average distance of around 93 million miles."

Just a quick potshot before I get started: miles hadn't been invented at the time(620AD), neither had ellipses (well, they weren't widely available, as Islam hadn't become an empire yet, and so not absorbed Euclid), nor the notion of 'gas', so stating it in those terms would have been incomprehensible, and also quite 'culture directed'. As it stands the explanation is concise, eloquent, clear, and comprehensive.

As regards to the Quran itself, it's beauty and power to move remain unrivalled, so it's poetic value is definitely without doubt. The notion that anything of superlative poetic value must thus be of little scientific or logical value is a uniquely Western one, and to be honest, not one that stands up to scrutiny.

The Quran makes many pronouncements as well as the one above, it talks about the origin of mankind:

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" - 21: 30

and celestial bodies:

It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit. - 21:33

These are two other quotes from the Quran that are quite intriguing from a scientific point of view if nothing else. They would make no sense at the time, yet now, in the light of modern scientific knowledge, they seem to make more and more sense. I'll leave it to the reader to judge their scientific value, I myself, love them for their beauty, and their ability to capture the wonder of the cosmos in a few simple words.