A popular community college of about 24,000 students located in Cupertino founded in 1967 that is ranked amongst the top schools in the state of California for sending many a students transferring to a better school in the UC or CSU system.

Some notable things are that all the buildings are done in a Spanish-style motif where you see a lot of rounded off posts bearing the roof (hence the logo).

There's an Advanced Technology Center housing many PC's for personal use plus many SGI O2 systems for the Design majors and including various video-editing hardware. Something interesting is that there's a tiny tribute to all that is Apple goodness right in the middle of the ATC building lobby. Apparently Apple likes De Anza.

There are various other majors ranging from nursing to industrial design to life-guard training. The campus also houses the Flint Center, which is a bustling culture epicenter in Cupertino for things like Nutcracker the Play to Riverdance performances to the San Jose Wind Symphony performing.

Other notable events included the bomb threat in 2001 by Al Joseph DeGuzman which is either one of the biggest fodders in history or a pitiful and desperate cry for help.

The school is currently being remodeled and is very high-tech, students are given student body cards with smart chips on them for use. There are high speed computers everywhere and all the registration and application process are digital for efficiency and speed though that just might be a moot point.