Today is the first day of Summer classes in Brooklyn College. So far, I have paid my tuition leaving me with close to $300. However, I have registered for two vital classes - Photography 1, and a course on writing essays.

I woke up at 0600, a surprise since I usually slack off with the clock radio blaring 1010 WINS (one of the local news stations) and the computer automatically fired up for a half-hour from 0700 until I wake up.

The first class was the essay class. Everybody had to introduce themselves by making a long sentence, with each student adding their name and an object that starts with the letter of the same name... "My grandmother went to California, and she packed elephants for Erica, kittens for Kit, marbles for Marina," and so on...

The second class was Photography 1. The only gripe I had with this class is the fact that credits for this class add to the requirements for art majors but not TV&Radio majors. I took Photo 1 because of the prevalence of camera use in both the art and TV worlds. Besides, my favorite photographers are Eric Kroll, Richard Kern and the late Robert Mapplethorpe.

The classroom for Photo 1 was filled with guys and girls. I sat next a girl named Candace, and I introduced myself to her. During the class break (it's a five-hour lecture), we talked about ourselves while strolling through the campus. Okay, she's not exactly Didi Rissman, but she's nice.

The professor, Paul Sheridan, gave a lecture on the history of photography, the elements of photography (Light, Aperture, Shutter speed, and (film) Sensitivity), a bit of the technical figures and measurements used in photography, and a tour to the darkroom. Since I paid the lab fee today, I got a free roll of film to be used this Wednesday.

Paul asked me if I knew where is B&H Photo, a big photography store in New York City. Since I knew where to go, he proposed a get-together in Sunday morning for students to buy supplies together. I asked Candace if she can go, and she might go. Besides, everybody has to buy supplies (paper and film), right? In Wednesday, I'll ask Paul if he can set up the meeting in a diner for breakfast before shopping...