Saturnino Herrán


Mexican painter, born in Aguascalientes.

When he was 14, he moved with his family to Mexico City and entered the Escuela de Bellas Artes, the national school of fine arts, where he received a classic artistic education from renown teachers, particularly Gedovius, Izaguirre and Fabrés, from whom he learnt about the art movements of the era.

He died very young, barely 31 years of age. Despite his early demise, he left a solid legacy, having reached a mastery in the art and craft of drawing and painting, his work a mix of classicism, modernism, and mexican culture.

It's important to note when viewing his works that he never traveled to Europe, in order to avoid "feeding his work with foreign ways of seeing the world", instead preferring to execute his paintings with a "local" way of seeing the world and art.

His first name, Saturnino, is derived from the word Saturn.