Nancy Collins and her husband Joe Christ were also responsible for helping bring about the media attention to writer Ed Kramer when the latter was trying to deal with recent allegations of child molestation. Nancy alleged that she had 'witnessed actions' on Ed's part which she felt could no longer allow her and Joe to remain his friends and co-workers. However, given that this was in roughly March of 2000 and Ed wasn't charged until August, serious doubts arise as to what validity Ms. Collins' testimony has.

On top of this questionable activity, Ms. Collins has also taken it upon herself to solicit testimony against Mr. Kramer by others. Several months ago she publicly put out a statement, to many famous writers, writing groups, and other associations such as the Horror Writers Association that anyone who had testimony to offer against Ed and also against SP Somtow, then president of the HWA and fellow writer with Mr. Kramer, whom she falsely claimed the Atlanta police were "investigating" alongside Mr. Kramer's case. Mr. Kramer's defense attorney, as well as the Atlanta PD themselves, consequently denied any such investigation of Somtow was taking place.

One publication in particular, Hellnotes, a popular source of horror-genre information and editorials, published Ms. Collins' "open statement to the public" (as the editorial was titled). After this publication, several inquiries were directed to Ms. Collins by e-mail, regarding her fitness to be a private citizen, not deputized, and soliciting testimony openly from others regarding a case that had at that time not yet reached indictment stage and was therefore still an open and ongoing investigation. One contributor, concerned that people were openly discussing the Hellnotes publication of the editorial without the editorial itself being available to everyone (Hellnotes is a paid-subscription publication, therefore not everyone received the editorial to read for themselves), obtained a copy of the publication and pasted the editorial into several message boards so that it was further available for perusal. This same contributor, upon inquiring to Ms. Collins about her allegations and fitness as a person performing such actions, was threatened at first with pseudo-legal action because he'd re-distributed an already-public 'open statement,' then when he made these threats publicly known, the Collins/Christ camp immediately backpedaled with a statement blaming Hellnotes for having published "private correspondence " that was somehow not meant for public distribution, even though the statement had been published at Ms. Collins' direct request, with the very title reading "An Open Statement to the Public from Nancy Collins."

Nancy Collins finally resigned from the HWA, citing that she could no longer remain a part of an organization that "remained silent" and "defended an alleged child molester." This, even though the HWA to this day has taken no official position on the Ed Kramer investigation, except to say that they will neither defend NOR INCRIMINATE their former member and esteemed supporter. Ms. Collins resignation was met with relative scorn and derision, given that her own actions had effectively ostracised her from that group and others.

Recently, it was discovered that Ms. Collins has been soliciting to sell her adaptation of her side of the 'story' of Ed Kramer's investigation to west-coast agents and producers--an act of attempting to profit off the misery and ruination of a man who has spent more than a year in jail WITHOUT BEING YET CHARGED OR HELD ON TRIAL, based on charges that were from their inception grounded on very dubious testimonial information (most of which was exaggerated or disregarded thanks to the media attention brought about to the case by the "civic defender" Nancy Collins).

Nancy Collins comes across in her interviews and recent actions as a self-important and officious woman with very little understanding of what it means to live in a rational or fair world--certainly not a world without her grandiose "accomplishments" in it. One who, if so certain of her own testimony, certainly didn't mind waiting at least several more months before letting it "come to light," even by her own words. And who, when questioned, attempted to threaten those individuals who questioned her into silence that cannot be suppressed by any ethical means.

For more information on Ed Kramer's case, you can visit the ongoing support site at