The phone wakes me at 10:30ish, but they hang up by the time I reach it. I drowsily check e-mail, there was a message from my sister-in-law (actually my brother-in-law's sister, some people seem to think that "sister-in-law" is nonsensical if I have no brothers) to the effect, "sorry for the short notice, I will be moving furniture in around 10AM tomorrow". But the e-mail is dated today, so that must mean tomorrow she's moving in. OK.
No, it doesn't mean that at all. It was written in the wee hours of Saturday, when "tomorrow" could still reasonably refer to the not-so-wee hours of Saturday. I learn this at 11:15, when she arrives with my brother-in-law and his friends, a moving van, and jeez! that's a lot of furniture for one person to have...
When all is moved in, we smoke a little in the attic, after which everyone goes away. Quiet time. My sister (through whom I have inherited this sister-in-law) invites me for dinner, and offers to let me use their washer and dryer. Hooray! I skip a laundromat adventure! In exchange, I try to get Internet Exploiter 5 installed on their computer. Over dinner they tell me about their ghost, which they have both seen, and which they believe their son, my nephew, has also seen (he doesn't speak complete sentences, and maybe he had a Scooby Doo nightmare; it's hard to tell). See "My First Exorcism".
Fighting with IE5 bring me to the wee hours of Sunday, February 21, 2000.