We did'nt have any of those Septempium whatchamacallits, We had computers that filled two whole rooms! And when we wanted to do somting with em, we had to fill out little punch cards and give them specially bred mutants in white coats who would look real shifty at you before they tak'em from you. Then we had to wait 5 whole years for our programs to be validated, and when we got'em back, there were 5 billion errors in them, and so we had to go back to the classroom that was 12 miles from the computer building (we could'nt afford shoes then, so we wore old budweiser cases) and we had to trace by hand on the chalk board (we had to mine the chalk from a quarry back then), all 50 thousand lines of code!...
The following may have been a typical rambling from a senile retired computer programmer 70 years from now (or today)