I've never written a dream log before, I rarely remember my dreams but last night was different. Maybe it was the stress of my impending exams, I'm not quite sure, but I woke up twice in the night because of nightmares.

The first nightmare I now have no recollection of. Not a clue. All I can remember is waking up and thinking "Fuck, I haven't woken up because of a nightmare in a long time".

The second was different. I can vaguely remember what it was about but the emotions are still vivid. I was in a vehicle, perhaps a car, plummeting towards earth. I was alone and I'd already concluded that this was the end. I knew in only a matter of moments I would be dead and, being a non-believer, that truly would be it.

Before when I've thought of my death I always imagined it would it would be a moment of fear and pain but in my dream there was a serene calmness. I had already decided that there was no escape from it and all I could do was wait for the inevitable. In fact, I looked forward to it happening.

Maybe this is a reflection of my life? Maybe I'm speeding towards impending doom and there's nothing I can do about it? I don't know. In some ways I'm glad I don't usually remember my dreams. They get me thinking and that can be a dangerous thing.