Galactose -- C6H12OH

An optical isomer of the famous Glucose which is different from it at the fourth Carbon (Its OH group is perpendicular* to the ring instead of being equatorial* as in the glucose).

Galactose's Fischer* drawings:

  L-Gal:       D-Gal:
   C1-HO        C1-HO
OH-C2-H       H-C2-OH
 H-C3-OH     OH-C3-H
 H-C4-OH     OH-C4-H
OH-C5-H       H-C5-OH
   C6-H2OH      C6-H2OH

Galactose's Mills diagram: (Look at ma', I'm an ASCII artist!)

          C /
             /       \
            /         \
    -------<           >-------
            \         /
             \       /
             /       \
           /           \
         /               \

See Also: Glucose, Manose (sp?).

* I apologize in advance for any erroneous names, as I've studied this subject in Hebrew and I freely translate it based on my understanding. Corrections will be gladly accepted.

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