"Being able to sober up," is an ego-driven fallacy. You might feel lucid, but that doesn't mean you are. Just because you've managed to make it home safe so far doesn't mean you will continue to do so... and you're playing Russian Roulette every time you sit down behind the wheel while you're drunk. While your vision might be clear, your reaction time is shot, your attention span is shot, and no quantity of wishful thinking is going to make you suddenly sober.

Those of you who do this will continue to insist that you can sober yourselves up at will. I hope very sincerely that I am at least 50 miles away from your intended path of travel when you do. I don't want to be involved in an accident with you... or see the devastation after you hit someone else.

This writeup seems especially vehement because it was originally part of a node entitled, A wild shout out to the writers of those, "I was driving home drunk," stories, or something along those lines. The first few writeups were noders who declared quite boldly that they could sober up at will. Those writeups no longer exist, but this one remains, for whatever reason.