The League of Gentlemen is an extremely funny television program set in the town of Royston Vasey. Inhabitated by a town of surreal characters with very few females actually in the program as the majority of female characters are played by men.
Character list
- Edward and Tubbs - They run the local shop for local people (there will be no trouble there). Unfortunately the local shop is in a field quite far outside Royston Vasey. Although there is a nice view.
- The Deton Family - Be afraid of the evil twins, they are scary.
- Dr Chinnery - A vet, just don't let your pets anywhere near this man
- Pauline - A complete psycho Job Centre worker, don't mess with this woman, she will taken extreme measures.
- Barbara - Barbara is a taxi driver, a transsexual one, due to her sex change operation going slightly wrong.
- Papa Lazarou - He has a freak circus, but the inhabitants of Royston Vasey scare them away. "You're my wife now Dave".
Strange Events
The main storyline is the mysterious nose bleeds that leads to the possible death of Edward and Tubbs. Have to wait to series 3 to find out what happens next though. Other storylines include the possible linking of Royston Vasey to the outside world by a main road.